General Romeo Dallaire
IPA | AIP Impact Leadership Award

The International Peace Alliance | Alliance Internationale de la Paix Awards Committee is honoured to announce Lieutenant-General The Honorable Roméo Antonius Dallaire, as the recipient of the 2024 IPA | AIP Impact Leadership Award to be formally presented to General Dallaire at a special Awards Ceremony & Gala at the King Edward Hotel in Toronto, Canada, on September 28, 2024. This award is conferred on The Honorable General Dallaire by the IPA | AIP in recognition of his courage, leadership and defiant dedication to humanity in the prevention of human rights violations and mass atrocities.
A celebrated advocate for human rights, especially in regards to children, veterans, and the prevention of mass atrocities, General Dallaire is also a respected government and UN advisor and former Canadian Senator. Most notably, General Dallaire was appointed Force Commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda prior to and during the 1994 genocide. His courage and leadership during this mission earned him the Order of Canada, the Meritorious Service Cross, the United States Legion of Merit, the Aegis Award on Genocide Prevention, and the affection and admiration of people around the globe. His defiant dedication to humanity during that mission has been well-documented in films and books, including his own award-winning account: Shake Hands with the Devil: the Failure of Humanity in Rwanda.
Whether as military commander, humanitarian, senator or author, General Dallaire has worked tirelessly to bring national and international attention to situations too-often ignored, whether the atrocities of the Rwandan genocide, the struggle that he and many other military veterans face with post-traumatic stress disorder, or the recruitment and use of child soldiers. He is founder of the Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security, a global partnership with the mission to end the recruitment and use of child soldiers. With regional hubs in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Canada, the Dallaire Institute focuses on three core activities: research, advocacy and security sector training, all through a lens of prevention. Its unique approach is a critical part of interrupting the cycle of recruitment of children by armed groups.
In his home province of Quebec, Canada, General Dallaire created a foundation to inspire young Québécois from diverse backgrounds to develop their leadership potential. Founded in 2001, today the goal of the Fondation Roméo Dallaire is to build on the strengths of children's personalities and develop their potential to become influential leaders in their community. The Fondation Romeo Dallaire supports each child over a period of five years, working with valued partners, such as schools, community health centres, sugar shacks and Camp Kéno: an award-winning summer camp. All of these partners play an important part in giving the best possible opportunities to youth.
The IPA | AIP Impact Leadership Award was established to recognize individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to international peace and security, conflict prevention and ethical leadership and is a testament to General Dallaire’s impactful efforts and the positive change he drives. The IPA | AIP is honored to present Lieutenant-General The Honourable Roméo Antonius Dallaire with the IPA | AIP Impact Leadership Award for his extensive and distinguished humanitarian achievements as well as for being a respected leader and global citizen committed to protecting the world’s disenfranchised.